TDIing out loud, ok SDIing as well

Ramblings on the paradigm-shift that is TDI.

Monday, October 1, 2012

In Norwegian, IT is sexy

Literally. The word it actually translates to 'sex appeal'. Just had to share that.

Call a stored procedures that perform an update

Got this nifty bit of script from Janne Lahteenmaki for calling a stored procedure that performs an update, and since Janne has been sent his Metamerge pen for community contribution, it's only proper that the community receives the tribute.

In this example there is a JDBC Connector in the AL named 'connDB2':

var command = "{call LLP.FOOBARPROC (?,?,?)}";
var rs = null;
var cstmt = null;
// wrapping it all in a try-catch in case something goes awry
try {
   // Stored procedure call
   // Get open connection from JDBC Connector
   con = connDB2.getConnector().getConnection();
   // Prepare the statement
   cstmt = con.prepareCall(command);
   // Assign IN parameters (use positional placement)
   cstmt.registerOutParameter (2, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
   cstmt.registerOutParameter (3, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
   cstmt.setString(1, "1");
   // Make the call
   // Get results
   var out1 = cstmt.getInt(2);
   var out2 = cstmt.getInt(3);
   // Print them out
catch(e) { // oh oh - something bad happened
   var out1 = cstmt.getInt(2);
   var out2 = cstmt.getInt(3);

His stored procedure looks like this:

   IN ikayttajatun    CHAR(8),
   -- output arvot
   OUT out_pk1 INTEGER,
   OUT out_pk2 INTEGER
   -- Declare cursor
   --               ################################################################
   -- # Replace the SQL statement with your statement.
   -- #  Note: Be sure to end statements correctly (usually ';')
   -- #
   -- # The example SQL statement SELECT NAME FROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES
   -- # returns all names from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.
   -- ######################################################################
   -- paluukoodit
INSERT INTO TFB (ID) VALUES (ikayttajatun);
   SET out_pk1 = 0;
   SET out_pk2 = 0;


Thanks, Janne, for sharing!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A View to an NSF

Let's say you have a Notes Document with a lot of fields, including some fat ones - like rich text, images and other wads of data. Even if you are only interested in a subset of the fields, iterating can be agonizingly slow since the TDI Notes Connector retrieves the entire Document for each Entry returned. However, if there is a View available that contains the fields you need then there is a way around this that Rick Chapman and I discovered.

Start with your Notes Connector in Iterator mode, configured so that it is ready to pull Documents from your nsf. Then you add some Hook script magic to do the following:
  1. As part of Connector initialization (or just after), use the open Domino database to get access to your View; For example, in the Prolog - After Initialize Hook of your Notes Iterator. Here you retrieve the View Entries and the list of columns (fields) in the view.
  2. Instead of letting the Notes Connector retrieve Documents via its own getNext() functionality, you implement your own Entry retrieval logic by coding the Override GetNext Hook. This script grabs the next View entry and puts the columns in the Work Entry as attributes.
Here is some sample script for these Hooks to get you going. Remember to replace stuff like viewName with your own values.

Prolog - After Initialize:                                                                           
// first get the Connector Interface (Notes Connector) in a handy variable
 var dom = thisConnector.getConnector()

// This gets a reference to the db using the 'Database' param of the Connector
var db = dom.getDominoDatabase(dom.getParam("Database"))

// Note that any \ in the View name must be changed to /
// Some notes about the View-related objects and methods
//   views = db.getViews() returns all views for db
//   views.length returns the number of views
//   viewEntry.getColumnValues() gives you all the column values for this View entry
//   view.getColumns() returns the column names
var viewName = "98. Admin/DB2 Engagement Form Sync"
var view = db.getView(viewName);

// Prepare our entry counter. The first time around in the Override GetNext Hook we
// will return the first entry of the View, and on subsequent cycles we'll grab the next entry.
var counter = 0

// Retrieve the view entries
var col = view.getAllEntries()

// Get the column names
var colname_vec=view.getColumnNames()

Override GetNext:                                                                                      
if (counter == 0) {
    viewEntry = col.getFirstEntry()
else {
    viewEntry = col.getNextEntry()

// check for End Of Data (EOD)
if (myEntry == null) { 
    result.setStatus(0) // signals EOD
    return // exit the Hook and end Iteration
else {
    result.setStatus(1) // this means there is still data available

counter++ // must remember to increment our entry count

// Display a read status message for every 200 entries
if (counter % 200 == 0 ) {
    task.logmsg(thisConnector.getName() + " entry count: " + counter)

// Return all column values
vec = viewEntry.getColumnValues()

// Overriding GetNext means no Input Map, so the column fields must be put in the Work Entry here
for (i = 0; i < vec.length; i++) {
    work[colname_vec.elementAt(i)]= vec.elementAt(i)

And that's all there is to it! And note, gentle reader, that I have not tested this code - simply copy/pasted it from a project I assisted with. So if you find any problems here then please let me know and I will rectify this post :) Thanks!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Certificate chain chain chaining error

You're trying to connect to an https server but get an SSL handshake exception. The error message tells you that the certificate you received from the secure server is not trusted. What does this mean, and what do you do about it?

This exception means that the cert you got from the server is not in your TDI truststore - the one referenced by the property - or it is signed by another certificate that is not found there. To fix this issue you have to get necessary public key certificate and import it into your truststore.

So how do you get hold of this cert? If you know the admin(s) for the server then you can request it from them. Another approach is to connect and blindly assume that the certificate recieved is trusted. Some browsers allow you to save the cert to file. You can also use the Java utility provided in this article.

Once you have the certificate file you import it into your truststore either by using the commandline utility, keytool, found in the jvm/jre/bin folder of your TDI installation, or by using the iKeyMan application linked in button bar at the top of the TDI Configuration Editor (CE).

If you haven't changed the default security setup then the truststore will be the testadmin.jks file found in the serverapi folder of your Solution Directory. The default password is 'administrator'.

Once the certificate is imported, the SSL connection will work.

And, as always, thanks to Jens Thomassen for his invaluable insight and guidance!